What are the disadvantages of using full artificial Christmas tree?


When it comes to Christmas trees, a lot of people prefer artificial ones. And why not? They come in all sizes and colors and are easy to maintain.

But there are some disadvantages of using full artificial Christmas trees that you need to be aware of:

  • The main disadvantage of full artificial Christmas trees is that they are expensive. As the name suggests, these are the ones which have all the features of a real tree like the branches, needles and trunk. They need to be maintained just like a real tree does and so it comes at a price.
  • They are also not as long lasting as other types of artificial trees that we use for decoration. Their life span is more or less similar to that of an average real tree and so it is best if you go for them only if you want something that looks realistic but is not too pricey.
  • If you want something that will last longer and doesn’t require much maintenance on your part, then you should go for a fake Christmas tree made from PVC or plastic. These are usually cheaper than their wooden counterparts and also do not require any maintenance other than dusting them off occasionally so that they look beautiful throughout your Christmas season.
  • Artificial trees are made out of synthetic materials, such as PVC plastic or fiberglass — materials that don’t look anything like real trees. Real Christmas trees have needles that drop off naturally over time and they smell like fresh pine needles during the holiday season. Artificial Christmas trees don’t drop their needles and they don’t smell like anything besides whatever scent you choose to spray on them before putting up your decorations.
  • A fire broke out in a family’s home in 2011 as a result of a decorative LED light on their full artificial Christmas tree. The fire caused extensive damage to the house and its contents. This type of incident is rare but it does happen from time to time. Fire experts recommend that you keep your artificial Christmas tree at least three feet away from sources of heat such as fireplaces, wood stoves and radiators (to avoid overheating the lights). You should also avoid wrapping any part of the tree with flammable materials such as paper, foil or ribbon.
  • It’s harder to find the perfect one for your home if you live in a small apartment or house because they are usually sold one at a time (though there are some exceptions).
  • The biggest disadvantage may be the fact that they can be very difficult to assemble once they arrive at your house. This is particularly true if you order an artificial tree online and then have it shipped directly to your home without ever seeing it in person first. It is important that you take time to read through any instructions before attempting this task because there are many parts involved in putting together an artificial tree and if one goes wrong then it could damage other parts or even fall apart completely.

How to keep your full Artificial Christmas Tree looking fresh all the time

silver decor

It’s that time of year again, and if you’ve got a new artificial Christmas tree, you’ll want to make sure it stays looking its best. We’ve put together a few tips to help keep your tree looking fresh throughout the holidays:

Keep It Watering

When you first get your artificial tree home, water it thoroughly before you put it up. This will help make sure that no air pockets form in any of the branches or trunks of your tree, which would make them look misshapen or less full than they should be. Once you’ve set up your tree and hung all of your decorations on it, check the water level in its reservoir every few days. If it’s getting low, refill it with water from the faucet until there is at least two inches of water in the reservoir at all times. You may need to replace this reservoir every few years if it becomes brittle due to repeated use.

Inspect for Damage

Check for any damaged parts of your tree, including lights or branches that have come loose from their sockets or plugs. If you find any damage like this, remove it immediately so that it doesn’t spread further into other areas of your tree. Remember that when taking down your Christmas decorations at the end of January (or whenever you take them down), always check over everything thoroughly before putting it away in storage.

Clean the tree regularly.

Don’t wait until the New Year’s party to clean up after the holidays. Do it as soon as possible, so you can enjoy all your decorations before they’re packed away for another year.

Use distilled water in the tree stand.

If your artificial Christmas tree has a water reservoir, be sure to use only distilled water in it (distilled water is free of minerals that can discolor the plastic). Tap water contains minerals that can leave white spots on your tree’s needles and branches, so use distilled water instead.

Spray the tree with an anti-drip formula occasionally.

Artificial Christmas trees don’t need to be watered like real ones do — but they do need to be “fed” occasionally with an anti-drip formula made especially for them (make sure yours says it’s safe for use on plastic).

Keep it away from heat sources.

Heat can cause the tree’s PVC skeleton to warp, which will cause the branches to fall out of place or even break off completely. It’s best to keep the tree in an area where there is no direct sunlight or heat source like a fireplace or radiator.

Don’t let water sit on top of the tree stand.

Water can seep into the stand and cause rusting around the screws that hold it together as well as between wires inside the stand. If water does get into your stand, empty it immediately and wipe dry with a towel before placing back on base of tree.

Clean up spills quickly!

Do not let anything stay on top of your tree for more than 24 hours because it can damage material over time (especially if it’s a dark color).